Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Go Blue! - Slim down and eat better

People that know me, know I'm obsessed with finding just the right size, colour, even what it is made of, whether it's a bowl, plate, chopsticks, you name it.

And I knew there was a good reason behind my obsession, among other things, but here is just one good reason to Go Blue:
Ever wonder why fast food restaurants are painted red? It's a stimulating colour that encourages you to eat more, so it's recommended to eat on blue plates instead. Blue is a soothing hue that helps you slow down. And try to use a smaller than normal dinner size plate too -yah normal dinner plate is MASSIVE!.

So now another mission begins, to not only find the right size but also to be BLUE! this could take some time, and this is often when my inspiration begins, to create my own, - does it ever stop!

So, be kind and do one thing today that makes you happy. Stress is related to 99% of all illness!

Frost Out :)